SIP Akademi
Strength . Integrity . Purpose
Kekuatan . Integritas . Tujuan
SIP adalah perusahaan yang berfokus pada pelatihan kepemimpinan bisnis. Kami percaya sebuah organisasi akan menjadi versi terbaiknya ketika orang-orang di dalamnya mengembangkan kekuatannya, membangunnya dengan integritas, untuk mencapai tujuan yang penuh makna.
Berdiri pada tahun 2007, SIP Insitute telah menjadi solusi bagi berbagai organisasi Organisasi yang paling merasakan dampak dari kami adalah mereka yang sedang memulai dan/atau dalam proses memperbaharui “lemari pakaiannya”, mereka yang sedang meninjau ulang baik visi, misi, nilai-nilai, strategi, dan/atau penyesuaian lainnya yang mungkin terbukti sukses di pada waktu yang lalu namun sudah tidak relevan bagi musim baru yang akan dihadapi organisasi tersebut.
Polinasi silang antara manajemen strategi, pengembangan sumber daya manusia, pengembangan modul, perancangan kurikulum, dan kepemimpinan bisnis adalah kekuatan kami. Visi kami adalah #IndonesiaKuat dan kami menantikan kolaborasi dengan organisasi lainnya yang memiliki visi yang sama dengan kami.

Felicia Grissandy
Managing Director
Felicia Harli graduated from Bina Nusantara University with a degree in Business Management in 2018. She is currently an associate partner at SIP Institute. Her passion is in developing Indonesian millennials to be global leaders. She believes that this generation have huge capacity and high capability to pursue their visions for the future world and new economy. This vision keeps her enjoying every minute of her endeavour at SIP Institute.

David Tjokrorahardjo
Managing Partner
David Tjokrorahardjo is a business leadership coach, a communicator of ideas, a multi-national entrepreneur, and an investor. Currently, David is the managing partner of Know Your Strengths, a technology solutions company partnering with human capital stakeholders in providing solutions for recruitment, retention, corporate culture and team building. He is also the managing partner of SIP Institute, a curriculum enabler and train-the-trainers company to assist organizations to groom their leaders. Since 2012, David joined Sovereign's Capital as one of the managing principals. It a US-based private equity company that invests globally in three main sectors: technology, healthcare, and consumer.

Ary M. Wibowo
Ary M. Wibowo is a curriculum designer, a leadership and strengths coach, a creative communicator, a book writer and a sociopreneur. Ary is also the co-founder of SIP Institute. His vision is to see the rise of next generation leaders who will lead by their strengths, integrity, and purpose, to bring significant impact to the community. Currently, Ary is the Principal of Relevant Leadership Academy, a training hub that empowers various leaders to maximize their influence and effectiveness in their own organizations. Ary's passion can be seen through his book, 'Strength Integrity Purpose: For A Significant Life', a best-seller that has been reprinted three times and published in Indonesian and English.